Top Four Reasons Why A Business Won’t Install Safe Infant Changing Stations

Safe infant changing stations are a win-win for everyone. They provide a valuable service for parents and other caregivers, help to promote children’s well-being, and last but certainly not least, they provide a great low-cost way for a business to send a positive message about how it treats customers. Despite these many advantages, some organizations have yet to make this important and affordable investment. The concerns they cite include the following:

  1. Expense. We can certainly relate to this issue. In these hyper-competitive times, it’s important to watch your budget tightly. That being said, sometimes excessive frugality can cheat you out of the benefits of a smart investment. Take our safe infant changing stations, for example. Cost-wise, these products are a huge bargain, especially when you consider the benefits they offer. Browse our site to see for yourself what we mean.
  2. Practicality. Some managers feel that our products won’t meet a real need in their location. But consider the reaction the Koala company got back in the 1980s when they first began installing safe infant changing stations in businesses. Public response was overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic. Parents were finally free of the need to perform changing duties on a wet, germy restroom counter. McDonald’s was one of the first companies to provide these units to its clientele on a widespread basis. In return, they enjoyed a sales and public relations bonanza. Wouldn’t you like your company to enjoy the same benefits?
  3. Installation. Some people fear that installing safe infant changing stations in their location is a cumbersome, complex process. Actually, just the opposite is true. The job requires only basic handyperson skills and tools. In almost every case, your new safe infant changing stations will be up and ready for your customers to use within a few hours.
  4. Customer service. This is a reasonable concern. After all, there’s always a risk that you may have some problems with your product. That’s why each of our safe infant changing stations is backed by a multi-year warranty against defects in workmanship and materials. Not only that, but our manufacturers provide toll-free support lines to answer any questions you may have. Add that to Allied’s own expert client support and it’s easy to see why purchasing our safe infant changing stations is a smart move all the way around.

As you can see, there are really no downsides to purchasing our product. So browse our site and place your order today.

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